14th July Glacier

Where to find it

North-western Spitsbergen, Svalbard

What is it?

Named after the French Bastille Day by Prince Albert I of Monaco, the 14th July Glacier is a 16km long glacier, which crosses down to Krossfjorden.  At its height, it reaches more than 30m above sea level. 

Surrounded by dark imposing mountains, the blue-white glacier stands out beautifully against the scenery. The nearby cliffs are also prime breeding grounds for Brunnich's Guillemot and Arctic Puffins.

As with all glaciers, stick around long enough and you're bound to hear the characteristic creaks, groans, cracks, and splash of the calving ice as it falls from the glacier wall into the water. 

How can I see it?

Many cruises to Svalbard will visit the glacier. See below for our top trips.

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